Now, you guys should know that Jason George and Nuran Evan Sit have written the script for this forthcoming Turkish show. The Gift came out on the platform back in 2019 with its first season. Then later in September of 2020, the creators provided us with the second season, and as of right now, all the fans are desperately looking forward to the release of a third installment. Thus, here we have wrapped up all the details which you might need to know regarding The Gift season 3.
The Gift Season 3 – Release Date
First things first, The Gift season 3 release date is on the 17th of June 2021 on Netflix. We do not know about the number of episodes that will come along with this show, but we sure are hoping for the best. Also, for further details, you guys should know that the 17th of June this year is going to be the National Apple Strudel Day celebrated in the United States. Thus, if you are from the American continent, then this is surely something of a treat to all of you. All you guys need to do is bake an apple and head straight over to the streaming platform and tune into The Gift season 3. Recently, Netflix came forward and confirmed the cast members of The Gift season 3, and here we have mentioned them all down. The list includes Beren Saat, who will reprise the role of Atiye. Then we have Mehmet Gunsur, who is going to enact the character of Erhan. Metin Akdulger is set to play the part of Ozan. Melisa Senolsun will reprise the role of Cansu, also known as Elif. Then we have Basak Koklukaya, who is going to enact the character of Serap. Civan Canova is set to play the part of Mustafa. Tim Seyfi will reprise the role of Serdar.
Where to Watch?
Now, if you are a fan of this series and would love to binge-watch the entire The Gift season 3, but are not sure where to, then we have got you covered. The only way to access the latest episodes of the show is by heading over to Netflix. If you buy the most basic subscription to this streaming service, it might cost you around 5.99 British Pound per month or 8.36 US dollars. As for the prices, they ought to alter with your choice of plan. There are four options available, and you can opt for any one of them according to your need. Also, multiple platforms can be accessed on Netflix, but it again depends upon the plan that you have chosen. Also, the service lets you have a free trial for one month, and given the fact that Netflix not only will let you access The Gift season 3 but also will subject you to a wide variety and culturally diverse choice of shows and films, for such a less amount, I do not think getting a subscription is a bad idea. The story of The Gift throws light on the character named Atiye, who is a young woman and has been addicted to drawing a very mysterious symbol since she was born without knowing about the hidden meaning behind it. When the show starts, we see that Atiye is a part-time teacher and also devotes her time to abstract painting. If you think that mysteries along with thrill and drama is your jam, then I recommend you watch the entire The Gift episodes that are available right now on Netflix. Also read: Exception: A New Netflix Anime: What is it About?