This is available for Year 1 Pass holders and also will be free for all players on February 19. There are a ton of new stuff in the game, which includes new locations, features, enemies, and weapons. As for the story, in this, the players have been assigned to secure Vitaly Tchernenko (a virologist) from the Black Tusk forces that are located in Coney Island. You have to get Tchernenk is the man who created the Green Poison, cannot be in the wrong hands. Furthermore, enemies for the past have returned who have unspeakable plans for humanity’s future. The new main missions will be taking place in Coney Island Ballpark and Coney Island Amusement Park. There is also a new specialization called as the firewall. This is the sixth Specialization and is equipped with a K8-Jetstream Flamethrower. Furthermore, it is equipped with a Striker Shield, that allows for an aggressive playstyle. There are two Classified Assignments named Detention Centre Rescue and Nightclub Infiltration. A new exotic weapon called Chameleon and weapons, which are UIC15 MOD2, Honey Badger, and G28. The hardcore mode received some changes; now, when the players disconnect from the server while being in a downed state will their character will perish. Those downed hardcore agents will now automatically decline group invites. Also, leaving a group while in a downed state will now cause the character to perish. As for the gameplay changes, players will now respawn at the checkpoint in a mission when restarting the game, and there are more exotic weapons to the wall in the Shooting Range. There have also been balancing changes to the weapons like PVP multiplier for Shotguns reduced by 20%. PVP multiplier for Double Barrel Shotguns reduced by 40%, and lastly, status effect diminishing returns have been adjusted to reduce the duration of immune effects. These are all the new things that have arrived with the update. There have been more changes to the store and a huge amount of bug fixes. Down below you can see all of those yourself
The Division 2 Episode 3 Patch Notes
• Store – The Warlords of New York Expansion is now live for pre-purchase. With this purchase also comes the new Level 30 Character Boost, which is gone live with Episode 3. This is mainly designed to allow new and returning players to have an option to jump right into the narrative of the expansion if they so desire. – A purchasable Level 30 Character Boost for 2000 Premium Credits, about 20€ or your regional equivalent, is also available and is mainly offered for players that wish to stay at the base game but want to catch upright with the end game. This is for players that want to get their acts to the Level 30 end-game faster. Since the Level 30 Boost is bundled with the Warlords of New York purchase, those owning the expansion will not be able to purchase the Level 30 Character Boost. – Level 30 Boost is currently not available for purchase on PlayStation 4, but it will become purchasable on the platform at the same time as the Warlords of New York expansion. – Textiles are now live! When receiving a duplicate from a Standard Apparel Cache, players will now receive textiles that can be used to purchase a wide variety of apparel items in the store. – Purchasable Level 30 Character boost – 2000 Premium Credits is a one time use – Warlords of New York purchase includes Level 30 Character boost can be used unlimited time. • Bug fixes – They have Fixed a bug that caused Explosive damage to shields not correctly to scale with the PVP modifier. – an issue that could cause a crash in Conflict modes under certain circumstances has been fixed – Fixed an issue that allowed fast traveling to off-site activities despite a player in the group not having access. This prevented all party members from accessing off-site activities. – The bug that caused the hair to clip through the Black Tusk Combat Uniform cap on female characters has been fixed. – Fixed the bug that caused the “MK5 Scope”, “Special Forces 9mm Mag”, “Fixed Tightly Packed Magazine,” and “Stiff Integrated Spring” blueprints missing from the crafting bench. – Fixed an issue causing the Cluster Seeker Mines to reach unintended targets and also get stuck because of it. – Fixed an issue that could cause a player to stuck in the revive animation when reviving an ally that was being revived by the Reviver Hive. – Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the agent to equip a primary weapon after using a Skill while having the Specialization Weapon equipped, instead of the Specialization Weapon. – Fixed an issue that could cause players to fast travel to a position they were hovering over instead of travelling to the locked in position. – Fixed an issue that could cause group members’ weapons to appear on the mega map while playing Darpa Research Lab as well as The Pentagon missions. – Issue that could cause players to disconnect when interacting with a prop in the Pentagon Safe House have also been fixed. – Fixed an issue that caused player skills to not do damage to the enemy’s weak points during The Pentagon mission. – Fixed an bug which caused water ripple VFX to play in unintended areas during The Pentagon mission. – Fixed an issue that caused enemies and also props to be visible through doors when playing The Pentagon mission again. – Fixed an issue that could cause the gate in the Welcome Center to close before players are able to advance, after finishing the Pentagon Breach introduction mission. – An issue that could cause enemy Drones in The Pentagon mission to not attack the player if any agent targeted them with a Turret. – A bug that caused a door to stay opened unintentionally when replaying DARPA Research Lab on all difficulties. – Fixed an bug that cause an area to not be visible while shutting down the power terminals in The Pentagon mission. – Fixed an issue that could cause the Bioreactor to not have collision under certain circumstances in the DARPA Research Lab mission. – Fixed an issue that could cause a door to not open after finishing the DARPA Research Lab mission, which didn’t allow the agent to loot the area. – Fixed an issue that caused lighting issues while free roaming in the DARPA Research Lab mission after completion. – Fixed an issue that sometime caused players spawning in an explosion when logging in, when disconnecting during the Pentagon Breach introduction mission. – Fixed an issue that could cause enemy Drones in The Pentagon mission to not attack the player if the agent targeted them with a Turret. – Fixed an issue that caused a door to stay opened unintentionally when replaying DARPA Research Lab on Normal, Hard or Challenging difficulties. – Fixed an issue that could cause an area to not be visible while shutting down the power terminals in The Pentagon mission. – Fixed an issue that could cause the Bioreactor to not have collision under certain circumstances in the DARPA Research Lab mission. – Fixed an issue that could cause a door to not open after finishing the DARPA Research Lab mission, rendering the agent unable to loot the area. – Fixed an issue that caused lighting issues when free-roaming in the DARPA Research Lab mission after completion. – Fixed an issue that could cause players spawning in an explosion when logging in, after disconnecting during the Pentagon Breach introduction mission. – Fixed an issue that could cause Brenner’s mortar voice over to play but doesn’t shoot a mortar in the DARPA Research Lab mission. – Fixed an issue that could cause enemy NPCs to continue to spawn even after the player has killed the boss in the DARPA Research Lab mission. – Fixed an issue that could cause a NPC to be stuck in the Manning National Zoo mission, which caused players to be unable to progress. – A bug that could cause players to be unable to interact with the explosives prop in the Tidal Basin stronghold after respawning have been fixed. – Fixed an issue that could cause the Monorail to not be available under certain circumstances in the Manning National Zoo mission. – Fixed a missing breadcrumb waypoint during the “Locate Emeline” objective in the Manning National Zoo mission. – Fixed a pathing issue that could cause NPCs to stuck in the Invaded Grand Washington Hotel mission. – Fixed an issue that could cause weapon audio to be delayed during the intromission of the Base of Operations. – Fixed an issue that caused a door explosion audio to be out of sync in the Invaded Manning National Zoo mission on PS4. – Fixed an issue that sometimes caused Cassie Mendoza to not spawn. – Fixed an issue that could cause players to immediately be teleported when outside of a playable area, instead of after the countdown. – Fixed an issue that could cause tutorials to be spammed in the UI if the player open and closed the UI repeatedly. – Fixed an issue that caused “Targeted Loot” to not highlight Gear Mods as well as Skill Attachments in the loot inspection menu. – Fixed an issue that caused EMP Grenades not to restocked when opening grenade boxes. – Fixed an issue that caused the Gear Score to be displayed instead of the actual player level during playing in Hardcore Mode Beta. – Fixed an issue that could cause players to become stuck in the Inspect UI when inspecting another player after being downed in the Dark Zone. – A bug that caused the camera position to remain fixed while selecting any item from any category in the Inventory tab and exiting the menu abruptly has been fixed. – Fixed an issue that could cause the Cover to Cover tutorial not work properly because of which no other tutorials were triggered. – Fixed an issue that could cause the loot beam to not be minimized when scoping towards it. – Fixed an issue that caused an “Outside Playable area” notification to appear whenever a player entered any Thieves Den safe rooms in Dark Zone West. – Fixed an issue that could cause enemy NPCs to not spawn from manholes in the Marina Supply Route Classified Assignment. – Fixed several clipping issues in the in-game Apparel store. – Fixed clipping issues for several Apparel items. – Fixed an issue that could cause players to be unable to interact with the levers to open and destroy the Manifold during the “Destroy the Manifold” objective in the Kenly Metro Station Investigation area if the player had previously died or the timer for the objective ran out. – Fixed an incorrect text being shown when completing a Mastery in Kenly College. – Fixed an issue that could cause the Aggressive Recon talent of the Tip of the Spear Gear Set to have a delayed activation for the player wearing the set under certain circumstances. – Fixed several clipping issues for gear items. – Fixed the “Cascade Mask” and “Cascades Mask Replica” icons not matching the items’ models. – Made streaming improvements in several areas of the game to combat the invisible walls players have been experiencing. – Fixed several issues with cover not working properly. – Fixed several lighting issues.