Ginro wonders what that suspicious super machine is. Taiju comments that Xeno has made an A.C. Kohaku realizes Xeno made something that she could not expect. Taiju said that the A.C would be for extracting argon from the atmosphere. Suika and Xeno talked about argon and how he supplies high voltage. Then, Xeno decided to explain about gas and radioactive element from the minerals. Chrome receives a Geiger counter and gets excited. Luna comments that it is too scary, and Ukyo said it is safe since they can measure radiation at this point.
Dr. Stone Chapter 99 Highlights
Carlos comments that Dr. Xeno’s side has a dark side to it, and Xeno said the method he used to locate ore deposits in the 21st century and even students could use the technique to build the device with the lighter gas. The team collects ilmenite ore, pyrochlore ore, nickel ore, and chrome ore. Gen gets excited that they manage to collect chrome ore. Meanwhile, Kaseki is crafting the ship, and Xeno comments that once someone abandoned the craft, they quickly lost drainage function and got doomed to sink. Kaseki thinks that the persues will be brought back to life again and notice that the boys play with his stuff. Ryusui said that they are recycling iron, and Chelsea comments that they can’t find iron in this part of South America. Senku said that they would make something more potent and faster for the persues. The science kingdom realizes that they will produce a superalloy they need if they add metal onto something. After making a superalloy, they can use science to activate the transformation sequence. Kohaku took iron and said that they are tossing broken parts of chrome ore inside a metal pot.
Superalloy City
Suika imagines Chrome being toss inside a metal pot and asks if they are tossing Chrome inside. Xeno replies that Suika has a point, and by tosing Chrome inside, the new alloy will become stronger. Chrome wonders if Xeno is referring to him. After long hours of work, the science kingdom team managed to acquire stainless steel. Kohaku announces that they have acquired stainless steel, and Suika asks what they will do with the stainless steel. Senku replies that it is a good question, but they will finally get ”IT.” Taiju and Ginro ask Senku what they will finally get. Senku looks back and shouts that they will get canned food. Taiju and Ginro got disappointed, thinking that Senku will tell them something unique. Francois begins to cook food that they will store inside cans. Suika likes Senku’s plan since they won’t starve from hunger after preserving more canned food. Senku announces that each can will cost a million yen. Xeno has revived two of his allies. Senku and Xeno agree that Xeno will craft the rocket, and Senku will build the new persues. Dr. Xeno works with Gen and Chrome, while Senku works with other members to complete their goals in time. Xeno realizes that the trip to the moon lacks a villain, and he is there for the villain role. He thinks that he is a science user for darkness, and Senku will be the science user for light. Later Superralloy City got discovered.
Dr. Stone Chapter 200 Release Date and Where To Read Online?
Dr. Stone Chapter 200 release date is 13 June 2021. Dr. Stone will continue next Sunday. Also, you can read Spoilers & Highlights: Dr. Stone Chapter 199. Read Dr. Stone on VIZ Media and Shueisha’s Manga for free.