The anime initiated in April 2017 and the episodes were aired every Wednesday at 6:00 PM (Japanese Standard Time). The time slot was later revised to every Thursday at 7:30 PM. This is the time slot where Naruto Shippuden usually aired back in the days. However, another revision has already been planned. Starting from Episode 76, new episodes will air every Sunday at 5:30 PM JST. This also means the episodes will also release at a different time for those who watch the latest release on streaming sites. The English subbed version will come out on Monday instead of the usual Friday release.
The new time slot will give more fans the chance to enjoy the show at the weekend. The decision was made in the wake of increasing popularity. Boruto is now establishing itself as a stand-alone show. Even though, the already massive fanbase of Naruto is responsible for such a huge response. It will take some time to establish the show to become as popular as Naruto. However, character development is steady. If we watch the trend of a similar show, Dragon Ball Super, we would understand that it takes time for the fans to accept the new format of animation. Boruto’s story is supervised by the original writer of Naruto. You will not be disappointed by the plot that is being carried from the manga. We all have high hopes for the anime to become a massive success. What are your thoughts about the time slot change? Will it affect your daily schedule?