Behind Her Eyes is a very thrilling series that plays with the mind of the viewers. It has a very interesting concept when it comes to the story, it is not something that you would expect to be featured as the central plot in a psychological thriller. Yet it delivers in all aspects, from having us grab the edge of the seat to covering our faces in fear. The story follows the female protagonist, who is a single mother. Her world is turned upside down when she falls in love and starts an affair with her new boss, David. Things are only getting started, weirder stuff starts to happen from here on out. Our female lead is weirdly drawn towards David’s wife Adele, don’t forget that the lead is currently having an affair with David. And at the same time, she is very much friends with his wife. But like we said, when the show Behind Her Eyes is concerned, stuff only gets weirder and weirder. This love triangle shows every sign of being a huge problem, but it turns out to be a much different problem than what our protagonist had expected. Through these relationships she maintains, our female lead uncovers tons of revelations and secrets that would justify the fact that everyone she knows has something else going on, they are not the normal people they seem to be.
Season 2
From here on out it is a complete spoiler land, so keep away if you don’t want any spoilers on what has gone down in season 1 and what may go down in the coming season. With just 6 episodes in the first season, people are left in awe. This show seems to give the viewers the same kind of vibe WandaVision seems to be giving out right now. We have no clue what is happening, and right when we think we sort of are catching on, something else happens. In the first season, we saw the story mainly revolving around the people who were involved in the love triangle, Louise the single mom, David, her boss, and Adele, David’s wife. Things get more complicated when Adele strikes up a friendship between her and Lousie. A new face is brought into the mix who is Rob, he used to be friends with Adele way before. Then we learned that the show has more elements to it, mainly astral projection. Adele first learns how to control dreams than to do astral projection, he teaches this to Rob. Rob who was in love with Adele, astral projects to her body and takes over it. After taking over her body, Rob kills his body which now has Adele’s soul in it. After that, he has been with David, now with Louise in the picture, he has a new person to deal with. Louise also figures out about Rob and this astral projection whatnot. Rob _who is in Adele’s body) helps Luise learn how to astral project as well. But Louise notices that this guy is not good news and that she has to save David very soon or things could go very wrong in no time.
But Rob senses that there is something wrong, so he makes a plan. He calls Louise to his house, and before she could reach there, he sets the house on fire. Sow ith no way to reach inside the only option with Louise was to astral project to Rob, who is in Adele’s body. Don’t forget. So now Rob has control over Lousie’s body and hence kills Adele’s body, who has Louse’s soul in it. Now with a new body, he returns to David. The two get married. But Lousie’s son notices something odd about his mom, he has suspicion that this is someone else. Here is where the season ends. Was it confusing? Don’t worry this was the same situation for every other viewer of the show.
Release Date
There is no confirmation or any information on the second season, but one thing is for sure there will be one. With a cliffhanger ending like this and the popularity of the show, there is no doubt that there will be another season. We might be able to see the second one in 2022.